Valuable Insight From The HOQU Q&A of September 4th

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5 min readSep 7, 2018



The HOQU project has conducted a Q&A session between the project founder Alexey Shmonov and the community on September 4th.

The questions were received from numerous community members and contained important issues that the project’s founders were ready to answer in full. We are delighted to provide an overview of some of the most important issues revealed as a result of the Q&A.

Q: Why do we need a token split and token swap? When and how it will happen?

A: The HOQU project intends to conduct the token split and token swap if it is necessary to pass from one blockchain to another. That is, if it really is necessary for the platform to function, in this case, the project will notify all our token holders many times over of the changes.

Q: So from the whitepaper, 30% of the tokens go to the founders, 1% to ecosystem support, and 4% to the Advisors, Bounty, Marketing. There were 300 million tokens at the beginning, 30% of that is 90 million. This is currently located at 0x3b0bb674c044f608b7e3c94135c1ba0c09d225eb. There should be 5% set aside for the other part, which is 15 million. Yet there is 24.5 million. This is at 0x29f5ffb0e38e72ea60226f24b0e241bcc12868b8. The remaining 9.5 million should be burned, right? That is what was agreed upon in the beginning and what investors expected.

A: Some of the unsold tokens are still in reserve, and they have not been burned. We possibly may be need tokens for exchange listing purposes. So if we don’t need we will burn it. We have already burnt 25 millions tokens an the moment.

Q: Update regarding new exchanges listing?

A: HOQU has been listed on 2 Chinese exchanges over the last two months: Hotbit and Bitforex, and the project is in the process of negotiating with other exchanges now. The top priority now is to launch the product faster and to get real demand for the tokens, which in particular is the main requirement of large exchanges.

Q: What is and how effective is your marketing strategy because community is constantly decreasing since months ?

A: To counteract the decreasing level of activity in the community, the HOQU project plans to take the following measures to change the current trend:

1) To provide an opportunity to communicate with founders and developers online;

2) To provide information on the development process on a weekly basis and to keep the community updated;

3) To conduct giveaways in the near future.

Q: Im interested in the next app for the merch. When it will be?

A: The project team is currently in the process of developing a Beta version of the application for merchants, and its release is scheduled for the end of September.

Q: Are you considering leaving ETH to move to a faster and cheaper blockchain?

A: HOQU is also considering EOS as an alternative blockchain for the platform, as it may be better and cheaper for the purposes of the product.

Q: 1) Will we be able to see information about token split on cmc after the token split? 2) Will HOQU’s token name and / or ticker change?

A: 1) Yes. 2) Probably HOQU’s token name and / or ticker will change. We will inform you of the details later.

Q: Where do you see the company in 6 months time? What percentage of the market are you aiming to capture by mid 2019?

A: The company and the product we are creating have excellent prospects. HOQU will be one of the first to be able to run a real product on the blockchain, but the team is not at liberty to give any promises regarding the market share at the moment.

Q: The token price is inexpensive. I would like to ask if this is entirely due to the coin market, or if there is any responsibility for the HOQU team. The development is sluggish, there is no marketing for token promotion, the promised exchange listing has been abolished, and even after the beta version announcement, there is no effort to list the exchanges.

A: HOQU has a long-term vision of the project. The team does not want to burn or waste money, as the strategy is to develop the platform and make the HQX coin truly valuable on the market and for its holders. The platform now has more than 1.5 million lines of code.

Q: How can I keep track of platform’s development? Will there be any news or steps being highlighted? Is it possible to provide quick report like weekly or at least every month?

A: You can track all our news in Blog or in other Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Steemit, Reddit, YouTube). There will be more news about the development process this week, and in the meantime, we welcome all community members to check our Github.

Q: I heard that HOQU is focusing on Japanese community. How is it going? What marketing tools are being used to attract people?

A: The HOQU project is also focusing on the Japanese community. Currently, the team is negotiating with several crypto media and top crypto bloggers to start marketing campaign of our product in Japan. We have just started this process.

Q: I can not find any news about HOQU in the press or in SNS. Is it that you do not care about other media marketing at all other than the news of HOQU?

A: The project is under development, that is why we haven’t got much news. But they are, for example:

Q: I can not find HOQU at any coin conference or fair presentation after ICO. Did you decide to abandon the HOQU now? Please tell me what marketing you are doing and whether there is any marketing funding in ICO funding.

A: The question of popularity and attendance at conferences was raised several times, but the team does not believe that there is any point in attending conferences related to cryptos, as the team should be focused on conferences related to affiliate marketing. However, the team has attended many conferences before and even held its own event, which became the largest in Russia.

The team is now constantly attending conferences related to affiliate marketing. Recently, the team went to Barcelona and New York and will have a booth at, and is also going to visit conferences in Boston and Bangkok.



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